Saturday 5th October 2024, at 3 pm, let’s pray the rosary for Belgium and the world


God’s love for us is immense. God created man in order to share His eternal happiness with him. But, since the original sin, men are tempted by Satan who can only suggest temporal pleasures. Full of themselves, men tend to abandon God and think only about themselves.

In order to “deliver us from evil” (words of the Pater), God wanted the redemption of humanity. Our Lady said “fiat” and God sent us His only son to save us from hell. By saying “fiat”, Our Lady became mediator of all graces necessary to our salvation. So, let us ask the Virgin Mary all that we need. She is the right way to go to Jesus. Those who find Our Lady will find Our Lord. So, we must pray Our Lady more than ever and encourage our neighbor to do the same.

By praying the rosary, we show our attachment to Mary. By the meditation of the mysteries of the lives of Jesus and Mary, we seek her help. The rosary touches the heart of our celestial Mother. She has promised her children who pray the rosary a particular help, “a solution to all our problems great and small” (Sister Lucie of Fatima).

So let us be apostles, apostles of Jesus through Mary, apostles of the rosary !

Let this period of prayer, enhanced by some hymns, take place in serenity and peace, showing charity and respect to everyone in the surroundings and following the security instructions.

Humbly and full of confidence in God, we ask for the support of Mary, comforter of the suffering, in this troubled period. We confide our souls, families, societies, our country and the whole world to Her.

The prayer of the rosary is always said on the date indicated on the site unless otherwise specified.

Get together and pray! Join in and advertise those places of worship to those who seek the one Peace which Mary leads us to, that Peace which can only be found in God!

To transfer this information, you can download posters and flyers, explanations about the devotion of the first Saturdays of the month, print and share them.

If you want to help finance the printing of posters, flyers and little books for isolated poeple in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons (we shall send them to you, if you send us a mail at ), you can make a donation on the following bank account : IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC ARSPBE22. We thank you in advance.

If you take photographs of a group of people praying the rosary in public, you can transfer them to us (it may encourage other people to participate) by mail at but, please, respect the faithful’s private life and ask them in advance if they don’t mind. If you send us these photos, you automatically give us a right to use them on digital supports as Instagram, Facebook and/or this site. If you don’t want us to use them, please mention a copyright notice on the picture before sending it.


Saturday 7th October 2023, at 3 pm, let’s pray the rosary for Belgium and the world


On several occasions, Pope Francis has asked his faithful to pray the rosary, especially during the month of October: « Pray so that Our Lady may protect the Church, that She may preserve it from the attacks of Satan and so that the Church may bravely fight the evil in the world » (September 2018).

On Saturday 7th October 2023, at 3 pm, as Our Lady has asked many times in Fatima, we shall pray the rosary, in Belgium and throughout the world, for the Church, the development of the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, for the protection of human life and for peace in the world. The Church, mystical spouse of Jesus Christ, has the duty to transmit the Catholic Faith and Christ’s teachings until the end of the world. By administering the sacraments, She must also share out many graces to the faithful.

According to the popes’teachings, the Church wishes « that all Christian faithful may benefit from the protection of Our Lady who loves us all » and wants us to benefit from the fruits of Redemption. (Pius XII, encyclical « Ad Coeli Reginam » introducing the feast of Mary Queen)

A short time before her death, Saint Jacintha told her cousin Lucie: « tell everybody that God gives us His graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary (…) and that She has the power to give it to us. I wish I could fill all hearts with the immense love for the hearts of Jesus and Mary that burns inside me.  Let us console these Hearts by praying the rosary in reparation for sins that offend their hearts and for the conversion of poor sinners.

Thus, by showing our attachment to Mary in praying the rosary, we are also asking for her assistance as we meditate the episodes of her life with her Son, Jesus, to whom she guides us. The prayer of the rosary reaches the heart of our heavenly Mother. She promised those of her children who pray the rosary, a very special assistance, ‘ a solution to all problems whatever their importance’ (Sr Lucia of Fatima).

Let this period of prayer, enhanced by some hymns, take place in serenity and peace, showing charity and respect to everyone in the surroundings and following the security instructions.

Humbly and full of confidence in God, we ask for the support of Mary, comforter of the suffering, in this troubled period. We confide our souls, families, societies, our country and the whole world to Her.

We invite you to form groups of prayers and send us their addresses so that others can join them following the locations on the map/or list attached on this page.

The prayer of the rosary is always said on the date indicated on the site unless otherwise specified.

Get together and pray! Join in and advertise those places of worship to those who seek the one Peace which Mary leads us to, that Peace which can only be found in God!

To transfer this information, you can download the flyers, print and share them.
If you want to help finance the printing of flyers (we shall send them to you, if you send us a mail at ), you can make a donation on the following bank account : IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC ARSPBE22. We thank you in advance.

If you take photographs of a group of people praying the rosary in public, you can transfer them to us (it may encourage other people to participate) by mail at but, please, respect the faithful’s private life and ask them in advance if they don’t mind. If you send us these photos, you automatically give us a right to use them on digital supports as Instagram, Facebook and/or this site. If you don’t want us to use them, please mention a copyright notice on the picture before sending it.


In the wake of the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary…

Saturday 1st October next will mark the last of the” five consecutive first saturdays of the month” since May 2022.

Amid the troubles arising from wars and sufferings falling upon people from everywhere, the Church recalls the infinite love of God Creator, the promises of the Son of God and those of His holy Mother.

“In order to avoid war, I shall come and ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart AND the reparatory Communions on the first saturday of each months” such is what Mary told the children of Fatima in 1917.

Several years later, on December 1925, Sister Lucia, the surviving eldest, her cousins being dead, received a clear message full of hope on the part of Our Lady, addressed to those who will answer her request :
” Look my daughter and see my Heart riddled with the thorns of blasphemy and ingratitude darted at it , by men all the time. You, at least, try to console me and tell those who will
– during five months, on the first saturday
– go to confession
– receive Communion
– pray the rosary
– and remain in my presence by meditating the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary during a quarter of  an hour
– in a reparatory spirit
I promise to assist them at the time of death with all the necessary graces for the salvation of  their soul.” Sources 1 et 2

Unless already started, now is the time to begin the course of action and avail of the five following months to answer Our Lady’s request at Fatima in practising the five saturdays reparatory devotion.  Each one of us is concerned. By this means  we will console her Heart so painfully afflicted by so many insults towards Her and Her divine Son but also, we will contribute in spreading the knowledge of the Love of God around us.

Restored by the Sacrements of Penance and the Eucharist,   and taking time remaining in the presence of Mary each first saturdays, will enable our soul to profit from Her example through the meditation  of the rosary and while consoling Her wounded heart,  will be granted the promised grace for a good death when the time comes.

This is a collection of prayers, efforts, reparation and requests which everyone of us will be able to offer to Our Lady of the Rosary on the beginning  of the month of October, traditionally dedicated to Her.

What a prospect of happiness are good actions performed by a child towards his mother… and even more so towards our Mother of Perpetual Help !

Let us take on our own part in this action and form “Cities of Salve Corda” in order to encourage each others and pass on this precious “viaticum” of  the reparatory devotion which reinforces faith, sustains hope and nourishes charity.

It will help ourselves getting closer to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary as well as strengthening the one and only aim of our life on earth which is that of Eternal Happiness within our Creator and Father’s love, God for all men and for each one of them in particular.

Leaflet available on simple request at

Ave Regina Pacis

“Pope to lead Rosary for peace in Ukraine & end to wars worldwide

 Pope Francis, in connection with international shrines worldwide, will lead a Rosary for peace from the Basilica of St. Mary Major on 31 May for those suffering the ongoing war in Ukraine and other wars around the world.

Pope Francis will lead a Rosary for peace as a sign of hope for those suffering from the ongoing war in Ukraine and wars around the world.

The news was announced on Ascension Thursday in a statement from the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization. (…)

All the faithful in every part of the world are invited to support Pope Francis in his prayer to the Queen of Peace, ” the statement encouraged. (…)” Source

25th March, solemnity of the Annunciation.

On this special day, we are celebrating Our Lady thanks to whom the Word was made flesh and God’s Son became a man so that we may share His divinity. This is why we venerate Our Lady as mother of God and mother of all christians.

The first sentence of the Ave Maria relates the words that  Archangel Gabriel said to Our Lady on that day. They are the proof of the great plan that God had in mind and of the exceptional part, so great but so humble, that Our Lady took in our redemption.

It is also on Friday 25 March in St Peter’s Basilica that: ““Pope Francis has invited the bishops of the whole world, along with their priests, to join him in the prayer for peace and in the consecration and entrustment of Russia and of Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

The Pope will make the prayer in the afternoon of Friday, 25 March – the Solemnity of the Annunciation – in St Peter’s Basilica, on the occasion of the Celebration of Penance, scheduled to begin at 5 pm. The same act, on the same day, will be undertaken by all the bishops of the world. Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the papal almoner, will perform the act of consecration at Fatima as the envoy of the Pope.”

The current violent events recall the heart of Our Lady’s messages and requests for prayers and penance addressed to the three young shepherds at Fatima, in 1917 : « In order to avoid war, I am asking for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the repairing Communion on the first  Saturdays of the months »

Let us bring together our prayers, our fasting, penance and alms-giving during this time of Lent for the intentions of the Pope, the entire Church and our societies suffering from the crisis of faith and the apostasy of the nations, for our personal conversion and that of all sinners and for peace, the conversion of Russia and her turning away from Communism and its errors which have already spread throughout the world.


Belgian Prays the Rosary

One of the gravest crisis of our history is affecting Belgium and the whole world.

Let us all unite in the prayer of the rosary and let us entrust all our problems to Our Lady. We shall pray the rosary for the respect of life, for cohesion and reconciliation among our families and in our society, for peace and freedom throughout the world, for our leaders, for the Church, for the clergy, the bishops and the Pope and for the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts.

Let us ask Our Lady’s help by praying the rosary which benefits She has mentioned so many times. She wants us to get closer to Her and to Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, by the meditation of the mysteries. The recitation of the rosary moves Our Lady’s heart. She has promised a special help to Her children, a solution to all problems how important they may be.

Let us remember the words of Sister Lucia of Fatima in 1957: « There are two ways by which we can save the world: prayer and penance. So let us pray the rosary every day. Dear Father, Our Lady has now given a new efficacy to the rosary. Therefore, there is not one problem, as difficult as it may be, temporal or spiritual, concerning our personal life, the lives of the members of our family, the lives of religious communities or the lives of countries, there is not one problem that cannot be solved by the recitation of the rosary. With the recitation of the rosary, we shall save our souls, sanctify ourselves, we shall console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls. » (Sister Lucia of Fatima – conversation with Father Fuentes – 26th December 1957)

From now on and until the present social crisis is resolved peacefully, and peace and freedom restored everywhere, we shall pray the rosary as often as we can and, at least, once a week. We shall pray in our houses but also in some public places, in front or inside our churches, in chapels, in all Belgian towns and villages, in hospitals, in nursing homes, in foster homes, …

We are living in a sanitary, political and social chaos. So, let us invite our friends, neighbours and acquaintances, all those who want to get out of the present insecurity and the uncertainty about tomorrow and all those who are looking for the Light in the dark. « I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.» (St John, 14.6) said Jesus to Saint Thomas.

« All things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. » (St John,1. 3-5). Let us welcome the Light in our hearts. Do not hide the Light under a bushel. Let us pray Our Lord and Our Lady and share the Light with our neighbours. Let us leave our present comfort and join the initiative started in Austria on 29th November 2021. The aim of this initiative is to pray the rosary publicly, if possible, on every Wednesday at 6 pm. This initiative is already followed by many countries in the world who are putting themselves under the protection of Our Lady and are pleading Her for the gift of Peace.

May all these prayers, along with some songs, be recited peacefully and may they be recited with respect for everybody and in compliance with the sanitary rules. In all humility and trusting in God, we want Our Lady, Mother of the Afflicted, to find a peaceful solution to the present crisis.

So let us find or create places where the rosary can be prayed and let us show these places on the map .

So that other people may find these places with the same link and join the existing groups. The rosary will always be prayed on a fixed date unless otherwise indicated.

To transfer this information, you can download the flyers, print and share them.
If you want to help finance the printing of flyers (we shall send them to you, if you send us a mail at ), you can make a donation on the following bank account : IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC ARSPBE22. We thank you in advance.

If you take photographs of a group of people praying the rosary in public, you can transfer them to us (it may encourage other people to participate) by mail at but, please, respect the faithful’s private life and ask them in advance if they don’t mind. If you send us these photos, you automatically give us a right to use them on digital supports as Instagram, Facebook and/or this site. If you don’t want us to use them, please mention a copyright notice on the picture before sending it.


Sunday 10 October 2021 at 3p.m.

Sunday 10th October 2021, 3 pm

As this year 13th October, anniversary date of the last apparition of Our Lady in Fatima in 1917, falls on a Wednesday, it will be difficult for many of you to get together and pray the rosary.

On Sunday 3rd October, we shall unite our prayers to those of the consecration of Belgium to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary which will take place during the mass celebrated in Jette at the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes.

On 7th October, feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, many of us will offer Our Lady the irresistible novena of Saint Bartolo Longo which will end on this day.

Let us not forget to thank God for the graces obtained during the last months, to offer ourselves to Jesus and Mary and to ask for His help during these troubled times.

On 10th October at 3 pm, we shall offer Our Lady, Help of Christians, a crown of rosaries, a whole rosary, in union with all those who will pray in Belgium, on its borders and throughout the world.

The reason for these recurrent prayers ?

Jesus told us : « Ask and it will be given you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened » (St Matthew,7, 7-8).

Let us continue to pray, to ask, to offer our good deeds, our worries and our burdens so that, in Belgium and throughout the world, all those involved in the cause of life (at a scientific, social, politic, legislative and economic level) may comprehend the sacred character of human life and the intrinsic value of human dignity and therefore avoid falling in the slavery of all sorts of human passions.

The increase of the faith and peace of hearts is closely linked with the respect of human life. We must respect our neighbours, God’s ceation and, above all, Our Creator. We shall pray God, Our Father, principle and end of all things, visible and invisible, for the conversion of sinners.

Through the recitation of the rosary, we shall ask Our Lady to present these intentions to Her Holy Son. By reflecting upon some periods of their lives, we shall understand the Gospel better, we shall radiate our faith and become peace makers. It is also a good opportunity to get together, to create prayer centres : « For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them » (St Matthew,18, 20).

To help you pass this information, please ask for posters and flyers by sending us a mail at

If you know of some nursing homes, hospitals or other places where residents who will not be able to join a group but who would like to take part in this time of prayer, we have « prayer booklets » which could help them. In order to obtain them, please send us a mail ( before 15th September and tell us how many booklets you need and the address where we can send them. Please also mention the name of the nursing home or hospital to avoid double sending.

If you want to help us, you can make a donation on the account of « Rosaire aux frontières » IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC : ARSPBE22. It will help us pay for the posters, flyers, prayer booklets and postal charges. We would be very grateful to you.

You can register as a leader or participant by filling the form that can be found on the website under the heading « the Rosary ».

May Our Lady protect you all !


Novena to prepare the feast of the Annunciation, March 25.

« Mother of our Saviour, you are unique,
You are the glory, Of all God’s works »

25th March is very nice date. It is the day when Our Saviour decided to take our human condition and was conceived in Our Lady’s womb.

To prepare for this great feast, let us pray Our Lady, for Belgium, for the Catholic Church and for the whole world deeply shaken  by the current crisis.

Saint Bernard’s prayer is full of love and trust.

During  the nine following days, let us all devotely recite  this prayer  and we can  be sure that Our Lord will carefully listen to His Holy Mother’s intentions.

O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen”

If you wish, you can still join our  rosary crusade and  ask  Our Lord for the end of the epidemic and the freedom to attend all church celebrations.

Many means are efficient but prayer is the most efficient one.

Everybody can easily  pray a decade of the rosary every day.  Let us all join in this effort.

Saturday 3rd October, 3 pm

As this year 3rd October falls on a Tuesday, it will be difficult for many of you to get together and pray the rosary.

For this reason, we shall pray the rosary on the first Saturday of October. Our Lady has requested a special devotion for the first Saturdays. We shall pray the rosary, throughout Belgium and at its borders, on Saturday 3rd October at 3 pm.

Faced with the reality of our time, we shall pray Our Lady with confidence and regularity for the faith, the protection of life and peace in Belgium and throughout the world.

We must not forget to thank Our heavenly Mother for all the graces obtained during these last months. In fact, on numerous occasions, in Belgium and elsewhere, we have prayed the rosary for the protection of human lives, so threatened today, from their conception till  their natural end.

Let us continue to pray, to offer our worries and our burdens so that, in Belgium and throughout the world, all those involved in the cause of life (at a scientific, social, politic and legislative level) may comprehend the sacred character of human life and the intrinsic value of human dignity and therefore avoid falling in the slavery of  all sorts of human passions.

The increase of the faith and peace of hearts is closely linked with the respect of human life. We must respect our neighbours, God’s creation and, above all, our Creator. We shall pray God, Our Father, principle and end of all things, visible and invisible, for the conversion of sinners.

Through the recitation of the rosary, we shall ask Our Lady to present these intentions to Her Holy Son. By reflecting upon some periods of their lives, we shall understand the Gospel better, we shall radiate our faith and become peace makers.

It is also a good opportunity to get together, to create prayer centres which could continue after. « For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them » (Matthew, 18, 20).

To help you pass this information, please ask us for posters and flyers by sending us a mail at

If you know of some nursing homes, hospitals or other places where residents who will not be able to join a group but who would like to take part in this time of prayer, we have « prayer booklets » which could help them. In order to obtain them, please send us a mail ( before 15th September and tell us how many booklets you need and the address where we can send them. Please also mention the name of the nursing home or hospital to avoid double sending.

If you want to help us, you can make a donation on the account of «Rosaire aux frontières » IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC : ARSPBE22. It will help us pay for the posters, flyers, prayer booklets and postal charges. We would be very grateful to you.

You can register as a leader or participant by filling the form that can be found  on the website under the heading « The Rosary – Registrations ».

May Our Lady protect you all !

« We take refuge under thy protection, holy Mother of God »

With the beginning words of the « Sub tuum », this beautiful hymn to the Mother of God, we place ourselves under her protection and implore her intercession, in these difficult times of pandemic.  HH Pope Francis invites families to pray the holy Rosary as often as they can during the month of May, in order to ” contemplate together the face of Christ with the heart of Mary”.

The month of May offers an opportunity to start or indeed to continue furthering our devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, particularly on the occasion of the first Saturday of each month in order to compensate the offences towards her Immaculate Heart.

We will pray especially to obtain the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope, in communion with all the Bishops throughout the world in order that Peace prevails, according to Our Lady’s request expressed  at Fatima on 13th July 1917.

“May Mary be the star that lights your way and show you the way to go to the Father in Heaven. May Mary also be the anchor of salvation to which you will always hold on more firmly at the time of the trial.” Saint Padre Pio (Collection II, p.373)

“Grace and Mercy”

We all want to be loved, approved of and respected, an aspiration deeply set within man who was created by God through love and for love.

Fundamentally, the creation is an act of divine wisdom, mercy and love in which man is asked to participate willingly and lovingly in keeping God’s law and His commands :”Though shalt love the Lord your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands, always. Teach them to your children, talking about them.” (Dt. XI, 1-2; 19). These are the recommendations given by God himself to help us respond to this gift of Love of God recounted in the Book of Creation.

How can we respond to the infinite love of God ?

« The consecration of oneself to the Eternal Wisdom, through Our Lady’s hands » composed by St Louis Grignion de Montfort, expresses the mystery of the offering of oneself to God through Mary. Through this consecration, Our Lady will ask Her Son to have mercy on us and on our families. She will ask Him to help us, so that we may sanctify ourselves and obtain eternal salvation.

This consecration leads us to love God’s mercy even more, mercy that God grants us through the intercession of Our Lady. This magnificence of the mercy of God was taught to us through the texts written by Sister Faustina.

On Good Friday, we encourage you to start the novena which will be a good preparation for the feast of the Divine Mercy, celebrated on the 1st Sunday after Easter.

May this Holy Week help us understand the immense love of God for us : « Then you will understand, with God’s people, how much Christ loves us. That love is very wide and long and high and deep. » (Ephesians, III, 18).

Read more…

“Prayer is the key to Heaven”, Saint Augustin

Apparition of
Our Lady of Fatima, 13th june 1917
(by Sr Maria da Conceiçao, ocd)

These last few days a question keeps being asked : “how to pray and which prayer is best in times of calamity ?”In normal times, the best way to pray would be to join in the public prayers of the Church because such prayers are an extention of that of Christ on his cross.  Thus, it greatly pleases God, as it takes part in the infinite merits of Christ.  Our prayers acquire a special value if expressed in communion with the Holy Sacrifice of Mass as the perpetually renewed prayer of Christ till the end of times. Saint Gertrude (13th century) said, quote ” Let each one concentrate in praying with deeper devotion focusing on the Passion of Jesus Christ, as associating the Passion of His Son always increases the value of our prayers to the Father”.  

Therefore what can we do now during this period of adversity which compels us to stay indoors : prayer and penance – such must be the answer of a good Christian.

God, Himself, taught us how to pray through the Scriptures in the past and later in speech when Jesus Christ, His Son, taught us the words of the “Holy Father” (Mt. VI,9-13 and Lk XI,1-4), as well as  through His messenger, Gabriel, the Archangel, with the words of the “Hail Mary”, the salutation to Our Lady, a highly redemptory prayer, awaiting Her assent (Fiat)  the source of the Incarnation and of our Redemption.

The Rosary, alterning these two prayers along with real penance and in communion with the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, is certainly the most efficient way for us all to obtain from God the salvation of our souls.

During this pandemic, we must look after our mortal bodies, but much more must we look after our immortal souls. Let us take care of our poor souls and those of all our acquaintances so that they may find the fountain that never dries up : « But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to Eternal Life » (St John, IV, 14).

Let us join all those who, throughout the world, find their strength in the daily recitation of the rosary and let us join the effort of  those countries (Ireland, Lebanon, Zambia, Jordan, Australia …) that have already followed this path which leads to Eternal Life. Let us share this spirit of Love and Hope around us and God will revive the True Faith amongst all countries.

To Jesus through Mary !

Read more:

For the protection of life in all its states…

Upon the beginning of Lent, our attention is again caught by Belgian parliamentary developments  which require our fervent prayers.

Indeed, the Parliament has been asked to examine a Bill aiming at modifying the 2002 Law on Euthanasia.  This bill provides -inter alia- that “no written or non written clause can prevent a doctor to perform euthanasia within the prescribed law”.  In other words, this provision aims at forbidding the running of hospitals and medical care homes with no euthanasia facilities”.  This would in effect mean that there would be no official medical establishment in Belgium where patients or residents would be safe from euthanasia practice.

We invite you once more to turn to our Father through the intercession of Our Lady, in praying for our Country, while including also a special intention for the protection of life of the born-to-be, as the law on abortion is still on table at Parliament.

In practical terms, we would propose praying and fasting for the preservation of human life, from its beginning to its natural ending
on this weekend of 28 February/1st March 2020


to join in the recitation of the Rosary for those intentions,
on Wednesday 4th March 2020 at 1PM,
following Mass celebrated at 12.30
in the Cathedral Saint Michael and Gudulae at the “Maes Chapel” located at the back of the Main Altar of the Cathedral,
Nr 15 Rue du Bois Sauvage, 1000 Brussels.

Read more:

« Pray, pray a lot and make sacrifices for poor sinners ». Our Lady of Fatima, August 1917

On February 11, we celebrate Our Lady under the name of Our Lady of Lourdes and we ask Her to protect Belgium from the evils of a new bill on abortion (see below).

Let us constantly ask Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of unborn children for the conversion of sinners by saying the prayer that the Angel of Peace taught the children of Fatima. We suggest this novena which will end on 20th February, feast day of Saint Jacintha.

More info:


The abortion until the end of the pregnancy, in Belgium …?

After a few weeks of respite, in February, a bill will return to the agenda of the Belgian Parliament. It is aimed at allowing abortion  not only  up to 18 weeks, as its promoteurs want us to believe but until the end of the pregnancy.

So, please join us in a great common prayer for the protection of life in Belgium and all over the world, especially during this week end of February 1st and 2nd, first Saturday of the month and Candlemas Day: Jesus, Light for the World !


Let us join the prayer of the rosary for Faith, Life and Peace at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes,on Tuesday 11th February 2020 on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes at 13.00.

Ad Jesum per Maria !

More info:


Like last year, on 13th October 2019,…

Like last year, on 13th October 2019, many people gathered and prayed the rosary in Belgium, on the borders and abroad.prayer

Our Lady wants us to we persevere in this, so simple but so powerful, which consoles and pleases Her Heart. Mother of our faith, Queen of Peace, Our Lady loves us as Her own children. She relies on us to carry out God’s plan to lead all human beings to Him.

Through the rosary and meditation of the mysteries of the life of Our Lord, we ask Or Lady to hasten the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and that of the Sacred Heart of Our Lord until we can worship God in Heaven for all eternity.

Texts and pictures (pdf)


Sunday 13th October 2019 at 3 pm

On Sunday 13th October 2019 at 3 pm, anniversary date of the last apparition of Our Lady in Fatima in 1917, we shall pray the Rosary in many places throughout Belgium and the world. We shall ask Our Lady, Our Good Mother, for the revival of the Catholic Faith, for the respect of Life and for Peace in Belgium and throughout the world. We shall be united with other faithful who will also pray the Rosary in other countries.

The repetition of the « Hail Mary » of the Rosary, crown of roses for Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and of Earth, is a time of meditation during which we shall try and imitate Our Lady, the perfect mirror of Divine life.
Through the recitation of the Rosary, we ask Our Lady to call on Jesus, Her Son, to help our family, friends and neighbours. In this way, we submit our requests To God.

It is also a good way to gather together : « For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them » (Matthew, 18, 20) and to create prayer groups which could continue for a certain period of time.

Let us all put our names down on the form that you will find on this website under the heading « The Rosary ». Let us lead a group or join a group.

God bless you and Our Lady protect you always !


The devotion of the first Saturdays of the month.

Let us spread the devotion of the five first Saturdays of the month to answer the requests of Our Lady in Fatima on 13th July 1917. « To avoid the emergence of a war, I shall ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the communion of reparation of the first Saturdays ».

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Since the centenary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima, faithful of Ireland, the United Kingdom, Poland and other countries throughout the world have gathered along their coasts and borders to pray the Rosary.
Belgian catholics have joined in this effort prayed the Rosary together for their country and the world, on Saturday 13th October 2018 at 3 pm. This was the anniversary of the last apparition of Our Lady in Fatima in 1917.

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Pope Francis: “Pray the Rosary in October!”
& Letter of support from Cardinal Robert Sarah.

In the wake of the tribulations the Church has suffered these last weeks with the severe scandals, the Pope has invited all the faithful from over the world to pray the Rosary, especially during this month of October: “Pray that the holy Mother of God may protect the Church under her mantle: to protect her against attacks from the evil one […] and so that she [the Church] would engage in the battle without any hesitation, so that evil won’t drag her along.Twitter @ Pontifex

Let us pray to Our Lady for the holiness of live of our priests and bishops. In the face of the confusion of the noisy world, let our connection with the Creator be revived in the silence of the intimity of the soul and the beauty of the sacred liturgy. Cardinal Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, encouraged this in February at his conference in Brussels: “Be firm in your Faith. Don’t let yourselves be drowned in the world of today. Be in the world but don’t be from the world. Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel. Let us be courageous and awaken our Faith. Give support to the faithful who undergo persecution…

The Rosary of 13th October for Faith, Life and Peace, will be strongly united with these intentions for the Church. There are now more than 120 places throughout the country !

In his recent letter of support, Cardinal Robert Sarah adds: “I am happy that Cardinal Jozef De Kesel associates with and supports this project of prayer, and I will do the same by recommending very particularly the teams of the Rosary from Belgium to Our Lady of Fatima. May God bless you!

Bishop André Léonard joins us in the prayer

Even though I don’t have any responsibility anymore in Belgium, I am delighted about the Rosary prayer project for Faith, Life and Peace that will be recited in our country on October 13th. From the Monastery of the Visitandines of Thonon-les-Bains (France), where I will be preaching a retreat that day, I will unite myself closely with this initiative in communion with all my compatriots.

+ Archbishop Emeritus André Léonard

Letter of encouragement from Bishop Guy Harpigny

Not long ago, Catholic faithful from Ireland, the United Kingdom, Poland and other countries, gathered on the borders of their countries to pray the rosary.

Now, a group of Belgian faithful are encouraging all of us to pray the rosary in many places in Belgium on 13th October 2018 at 3pm, to ask Our Lady for the renewal of faith, for the protection of life and for peace of heart.
These faithful are joining with several similar initiatives which already exist in the diocese.
I encourage all those belonging to my diocese to pray the rosary together on 13th October for faith, life and peace.

+ Guy Harpigny,
Bishop of Tournai

read the whole letter

Let’s pray for Belgium and the world with Bishop Jean-Pierre Delville

I ask every one of you to support the Rosary on the Borders.

I ask you to pray to Our Lady, a Jewish woman, who spoke Aramaic and became the Mother of Our Lord Jesus and the Mother of God.

Let us thank Our Lady for appearing to three children in Fatima, in 1917, to condemn the horrors of Word War I, and again in Banneux, in 1933, to give a holy source of water to all nations just as the nazi regime started to gain power.

In the diocese of Liege, a group of faithful will pray the rosary in Moresnet, at a crossroads between Belgium, Holland and Germany. It is a place where three different languages are used, a contact point between three different cultures, who respect and appreciate each other.

Let us pray for the Dutch and the Germans, for the Belgian people who speak French, Dutch or Arabic, or other languages, for the Belgian people who do not share our religion, Christians as well as moslems.

Let us pray that our country, touched by a diversity of cultures, may be always ready to welcome foreigners, migrants and refugees.

Let us pray that the whole Word, often divided and violent, may find peace and reconciliation through the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Peace.

+ Jean-Pierre Delville
Bishop of Liège

_Rosary on the Coast, Great Britain
Interview with Bishop John Armitage

read the article



Saturday 5th October 2024, at 3 pm, let’s pray the rosary for Belgium and the world

  God’s love for us is immense. God created man in order to share His eternal happiness with him. But, since the original sin, men are tempted by Satan who can only suggest temporal pleasures. Full of themselves, men tend to abandon God and think only about themselves. In order to “deliver us from evil” …

Saturday 7th October 2023, at 3 pm, let’s pray the rosary for Belgium and the world

  On several occasions, Pope Francis has asked his faithful to pray the rosary, especially during the month of October: « Pray so that Our Lady may protect the Church, that She may preserve it from the attacks of Satan and so that the Church may bravely fight the evil in the world » (September 2018). On …