(by Sister Maria da Conceiçao, ocd)
These last few days a question keeps being asked : “how to pray and which prayer is best in times of calamity ?”In normal times, the best way to pray would be to join in the public prayers of the Church because such prayers are an extention of that of Christ on his cross. Thus, it greatly pleases God, as it takes part in the infinite merits of Christ. Our prayers acquire a special value if expressed in communion with the Holy Sacrifice of Mass as the perpetually renewed prayer of Christ till the end of times. Saint Gertrude (13th century) said, quote ” Let each one concentrate in praying with deeper devotion focusing on the Passion of Jesus Christ, as associating the Passion of His Son always increases the value of our prayers to the Father”.
Therefore what can we do now during this period of adversity which compels us to stay indoors : prayer and penance – such must be the answer of a good Christian.
God, Himself, taught us how to pray through the Scriptures in the past and later in speech when Jesus Christ, His Son, taught us the words of the “Holy Father” (Mt. VI,9-13 and Lk XI,1-4), as well as through His messenger, Gabriel, the Archangel, with the words of the “Hail Mary”, the salutation to Our Lady, a highly redemptory prayer, awaiting Her assent (Fiat) the source of the Incarnation and of our Redemption.
These two prayers are particularly dear to God. We can therefore easily understand how, along with the psalms of the Prophet David, they contribute to forming the basis of the official and public worship of the Church, known as the Divine Office ; the latter’s composition goes back in history and was meant as a spiritual nourishment for the early Christians in keeping with God’s will and wisdom.
The Rosary, also called “Mary’s psalms book”, goes up to God’s heart as well as to Our Lady’s heart, because it teaches us how to follow the pattern of Mary’s emotions (“…who was keeping all things in her heart.” Luke II, 19). Our tender Mother in Heaven revealed it to Saint Dominic, asking for its recitation on several occasions during the past centuries. Mary never ceased to remind us how much this prayer is worthy of merits. When we recite the “Hail Mary”, also called the Angel’s Salutation we repeat the words of God himself, in giving thanks to Him, meditating the life of Jesus Christ and Our Lady and asking for the grace to imitate their virtues, thereby getting closer to God, our Father.
Praying the rosary, along with real penance and in communion with the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, is certainly the most efficient way for us all to obtain from God the salvation of our souls.
Six times in a row, on her apparitions to the children of Fatima, Our Lady asked that we pray the rosary and that we ” cease causing offences to God who has already suffered so many “.
The following extract of the conversation that Sister Lucia of Fatima had with Father Fuentes in 1958 confirms all this:
« Dear Father, Our Lady is very sad because nobody takes any notice of Her message, …, in God’s plans, when God wants to punish the world, He first starts with several other remedies. But when God sees that the world refuses to use those remedies, then He gives us the last remedy for our salvation, namely His Holy Mother, Our Lady. And if we despise and refuse this last remedy, we won’t be able to receive God’s mercy because we shall have committed a sin, called « sin against the Holy Spirit » which consists in, deliberately and with full knowledge, refusing the salvation offered to us. Let us remember that Jesus is an excellent Son and that He cannot stand that we offend or despise His Divine Mother. Throughout the history of the Church, we can see that Our Lord has always defended His Mother’s honour. There are two ways by which we can save the world : prayer and penance. So let us pray the rosary every day. Dear Father, Our Lady has now given a new efficacy to the rosary. Therefore, there is not one problem, as difficult as it may be, temporal or spiritual, concerning our personal life, the lives of the members of our family, the lives of religious communities or the lives of countries , there is not one problem that cannot be solved by the recitation of the rosary. With the recitation of the rosary, we shall save our souls, sanctify ourselves, we shall console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls. So let us have a greater devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Mother, considering Her as the main source of clemency, kindness and pardon, and as the true gate of Heaven. »
Still, during this interview with Father Fuentes, Sister Lucia insisted, with severe words, on our duty to do penance :
« Father, Sister Lucia said once more, we must not wait for the Pope to ask us to do penance nor wait for our bishops to do so. No, Our Lord has already used these means and the world has not listened to Him. That is why each of us must now start his or her own spiritual reform. Each one of us must save his our her soul, but also the souls of those found in his or her path. Satan does everything he can to distract us , to remove from us the taste for prayer. We shall save our souls or be damned for ever … »
The Church makes us remember this in one of her liturgical prayer in which she solemnly implores the Mercy of God: « O God offended by our sins but conciliated by our penance, please hear our prayers and divert Your wrath, which we have deserved by our sins ».
During this pandemic, we must look after our mortal bodies, but much more must we look after our immortal souls. Let us take care of our poor souls and those of all our acquaintances so that they may find the fountain that never dries up : « But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to Eternal Life » (St John, IV, 14).
Let us join all those who, throughout the world, find their strength in the daily recitation of the rosary and let us join the effort of those countries (Ireland, Lebanon, Zambia, Jordan, Australia …) that have already followed this path which leads to Eternal Life. Let us share this spirit of Love and Hope around us and God will revive the True Faith amongst all countries.
To Jesus through Mary !