The Luminous Mysteries
1-First luminous mystery : the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan
Fruit of the mystery: Constant fidelity to our baptismal promises

Jesus wanted to be baptized by Saint John. The Holy Spirit descended upon Him and a voice came from Heaven saying : “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”.
By Him and with Him, the sacrament of baptism makes us children of God, a temple of the Holy Spirit. As with all the sacraments, Jesus works a miracle by using human signs and instruments.
Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that we may value and respect the sacraments, with a deep belief in the real action performed by Jesus through them.
2- Second luminous mystery : the wedding feast at Cana
Fruit of the mystery: Greater confidence in Mary

Jesus and Mary honour the newlyweds by Their presence at the feast. They even contribute to the success of the party: Mary, through Her attention and mediation, and Jesus through the miracle of the water changed into wine.
Later, Jesus tells us that the sacrament of marriage must be as God wants it. Husband and wife become united, body and soul, to form a community of love and fidelity. In Cana, He shows us that He and His mother will always help us and make sure that there is always enough “elixir of love”.
Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that all married couples may trust God’s grace and so that God will transform their marriage into a path of love and sanctity through fidelity.
3- Third glorious mystery : the announcement of the kingdom of God and the call to repentance
Fruit of the mystery: The conversion of the heart

“I have come to set the earth on fire”. Filled with this fire, Jesus is preaching the Good News in villages, on the shores of lakes, everywhere. “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is close at hand”.
Jesus wants to reign over our souls with His love and His truth, but he never forces us. Only if we truly wish to receive Him … only if we want to repent for our sins.
Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that we may be given the grace of contrition, so that we may know our sins and have the desire to confess them. In this way, through the sacrament of penance, we shall regain peace of heart.
4- Fourth luminous mystery : the Transfiguration of our Lord on Mount Tabor
Fruit of the mystery: Prayer

Jesus’ body is shining. Saint Peter and the other apostles could not stop contemplating Him. They wanted the vision never to end. But what happens when the vision stops and life continues?
One day, we may see God face to face. But what now? Now, we should pray and love to pray. This means being with Jesus Christ, simply talking to Him, listening to Him and meditating on His life. All this will allow us to nurture a strong desire to see Him one day face to face. And this is why prayer transforms us.
Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that we may never stop praying and that we may discover how prayer can change us.
5- Fifth luminous mystery : the institution of the Eucharist
Fruit of the mystery: Love of the Eucharist

Jesus wanted to give His apostles a proof of His infinite love for them. He announced a new covenant, with a new Easter sealed by the sacrifice of His body and blood.
O Mary, how can we forget that Jesus is present in the Eucharist ? How can we forget that He renews His sacrifice on the cross and gives us His body and blood to feed us and comfort us ? No, we cannot forget the real meaning of the Catholic Mass.
Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that our faith in the real presence of God in the Eucharist may be revived and increased.