Meditations for the Rosary ( continued).

The Sorrowful Mysteries

1- First mystery : Jesus, filled with anxiety, prays to His Celestial Father.

Fruit of the mystery: Perfect sorrow for our sins

Night has fallen. It is dark. Jesus is lonely and deeply sad. He is tormented by the thought of our sins. The Apostles have fallen asleep. But Jesus continues to pray for us.

 O Mary, the Apostles did not even have the courage to stay awake for an hour with Jesus. We also often abandon our prayers because we do not believe that they are very powerful. We do not realize that Jesus is praying with us and carries our prayers to God, His Father.

 “O Jesus, agonizing in the Olive Garden, help us to overcome our desolation and misery and make us sorry for having offended God” Saint Padre Pio.

 Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World. Teach us how to pray and persevere in our prayer, like Jesus did, and entrust us to the care of God the Father.

2- Second mystery : Jesus is scourged

Fruit of the mystery: the mortification of the senses

 Pilate orders his soldiers to scourge Jesus. The lashes tear His flesh. It is impossible to describe the pain He undergoes. And still the scourging continues. It seems as it is never going to end. Then Jesus falls down, nearly dead.

 O Mary, the prophecy is fulfilled : Your heart is pierced by every lash. Nobody has felt Our Lord’s pain as You did. And now, as our Mother, You experience the sufferings of all human beings who undergo the hardships of war, violence, abuse and persecution.

 “May the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, always be with us in our words and in our hearts … God asks us not to stop when we are tired of struggling, not to despair or to say: “It is not worth fighting any more, let us give up”. This is cowardice. We must do our duty till the end.” Saint Theresa of the Infant Jesus

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World. Teach us truly to persevere in all our efforts, in our sufferings, in our tears, in union with all those who suffer, so that we may offer our own   contribution to the peace of the World.

Letter of encouragement from Bishop Guy Harpigny

Rosary for Faith, Life and Peace on 13th October 2018

From the first century onwards, the Church has always prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the 12th century, Christians praying the Ave Maria began the devotion of the “Psalterium Beatae Mariae Virginis” of 150 Ave Marias, just as the Psalter contains 150 psalms.

Henry Egher, a Carthusian monk, who died in Cologne in 1408, divided the 150 Ave Marias into 15 decades. Dominic de Prusse, also a Carthusian monk, who died in 1461, united the recitation of the decades with the contemplation of the mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ. The Dominican monk, Alain de la Roche, who died in 1475, spread the initiative of Saint Dominic de Guzman (13th century), founder of the Dominican order, who asked his faithful regularly to pray the Ave Maria.

The 150 Ave Marias include three rosaries, each one containing five decades. We call it the “Rosary”, in reference to the roses that can be seen on many paintings of Our Lady.

Popes have always recommended the recitation of the rosary. Pope Paul VI (in Marialis Cultus, 1974), who will be canonized on 14th October 2018, encouraged it strongly. Saint John Paul II (in Rosarium Virginis Mariae, 2002) added a fourth rosary (the luminous mysteries) to the existing rosary.

Since the addition of the fourth Rosary by Saint John Paul II, we have:

Joyful mysteries:

  • Annunciation to Mary
  • Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
  • Nativity of Jesus in Bethlehem
  • Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
  • Jesus’ recovery at the Temple at the age of twelve

Luminous mysteries:

  • Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan
  • Marriage of Cana
  • Announcement of the Kingdom of God and call for conversion
  • Transfiguration of Jesus
  • Institution of the Eucharist

Sorrowful mysteries:

  • Agony of Jesus in the Olive Garden
  • Flagellation of Jesus
  • Coronation of thorns
  • Carrying of the Cross
  • Crucifixion and death of Jesus

Glorious mysteries:

  • Resurrection of Jesus
  • Ascension of Jesus
  • Effusion of the Spirit at Pentecost
  • Dormition and Assumption of Mary
  • Coronation of Mary in heaven

Not long ago, Catholic faithful from Ireland, the United Kingdom, Poland and other countries, gathered on the borders of their countries to pray the rosary.

Now, a group of Belgian faithful are encouraging all of us to pray the rosary in many places in Belgium on 13th October 2018 at 3pm, to ask Our Lady for the renewal of faith, for the protection of life and for peace of heart.

These faithful are joining with several similar initiatives which already exist in the diocese.

I encourage all those belonging to my diocese to pray the rosary together on 13th October for faith, life and peace.

+ Guy Harpigny,

Bishop of Tournai

Meditations for the Rosary ( continued).

The Joyful Mysteries (continued) :

3 – Third mystery : Jesus is born in a stable in Bethleem

Fruit of the mystery : Detachment from things of this world

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Almighty God came into the World just like all of us, small and defenceless. He will save us not by force, but by the vulnerability of a child who requires tender love.

Mary, You “wrapped Him in linen and laid Him in a manger”. Your eyes, filled with delight and admiration, never left Him. No-one has ever contemplated the sacred mystery of life with such tenderness.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that they may find a place in their hearts and in their lives for each and every child, from the moment of conception.

4- Fourth mystery: Jesus is presented to God in the temple.

Fruit of the mystery: Obedience and purity of heart and body.

Our Lady and Saint Joseph went to the Temple because, according to the Law, the mother must be purified and the child must be presented to God.

You obeyed the Law, Mary, even though you had no need to be purified. You did this with a holy obedience to the Law of God and the Jewish people, so that by respecting these laws, peace and order may be safeguarded.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that they may respect the legitimate government and obey the civil and Christian laws, and so that our country may be an example of order through compliance with God’s commandments.

5- Fifth mystery: The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple.

Fruit of the mystery: The search for God in all things.

Our Lady and Saint Joseph were desperately searching for Jesus. No-one knew where He was. At last, after three days, they found Him in the Temple teaching the doctors, who were all astonished by His intelligence.

O Mary, You were searching for Jesus with an immense grief and worry. You tried to understand. “Why did You do this to us ?” Jesus wants above all to do the will of His Father. That is why He first goes back home with Mary and Joseph, and why He will later leave His parents’ house to serve His heavenly Father.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that peace and understanding may prevail in families and so that many vocations may emerge in our families.

The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen.

In the midst of the second world war Pope Pius XII put the whole world under the special protection of our Saviour’s Mother by consecrating it to her Immaculate Heart, and in 1944 he decreed that in the future the whole Church should celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 22, octave day of the Assumption. This is not a new devotion. In the 17th century, St John Eudes and then in the 19th century, Pius VII and Pius IX preached and celebrated thePure Heart of Mary close to the feast the Sacred Heart.

Our Lady is intimately associated with the redemptive work of her Son, mediating all graces. At all times, the Christian people have recognized the royal dignity of the mother of the “King of kings and Lord of lords”. Pius XII, responding to the unanimous wish of the faithful and pastors, instituted the feast of Mary Queen in 1954. He thus sanctioned the worship rendered by all to the sovereign of heaven and earth.

“O Mary, ever Virgin, who because of thy great worth, God set up as Queen of the whole world, pray for our peace and salvation, for Thou hast brought forth Christ the Lord, the Savior of us all.”

Let us go to Beauraing to pray to Our Lady

On 22nd August 2018,

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

11.00 am : Solemn Mass in the Basilica “Notre Dame au Coeur d’Or” celebrated by Cardinal De Kesel. At the same time, in a location nearby, there will be children’s liturgy.

2.00 pm : Recitation of the rosary with meditations and a special intention for the “Rosary on the Borders” which will take place in Belgium on 13th October 2018 at 3 pm, for the renewal of the Catholic faith, the protection of life, and for the peace of Christ in Belgium and throughout the whole world.

3.00 pm : eucharistic procession starting from Castel Sainte Marie, followed by the blessing of the sick in the garden and the renewal of the promises by “Les amis de Notre Dame de Beauraing”.

7.00 pm : Mass

Beauraing sanctuary : Basilique Notre Dame au Coeur d’Or, rue de l’Aubépine, 6 à 5570 Beauraing, Belgique

Phone : +32 Horloge 82 71 12 18 – Email :

Website :

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Belief in the Assumption of our Lady goes back to early Christian tradition.It found expression gradually in the writings of the Fathers and in various liturgies ( at Jerusalem from the 6th century, at Rome from the 7th). Finally, on November 1, 1950, Pius XII proclaimed solemnly, as part of divine revelation that ” the blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God, at the close of her earthly career was taken into heaven,body and soul.”

The Prayers of this day ask that, after Mary’s example, we may long for heaven, obtain the glorious resurrection and enjoy everlasting bliss.

“All generations shall call me blessed, because He that is mighty hath done great things to me.” Out of the Magnificat . Luke 1, 46-55

Meditations for the Rosary.

In the coming weeks, we will offer you meditations in connection with the different mysteries of the Rosary.

The Joyful Mysteries :

1 – First mystery : The Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary

Fruit of the mystery : Humility

The Blessed Virgin, surprised by the sudden appearance of the Angel, receives his message as a request of love from God. She believes in the love of God, Who loved us first and wants us to love Him in return. And God gives new life to all those who respond to His love.

“Behold the handmaid of the Lord”. Your assent means that You become the Mother of God. You give us Jesus, our way, our truth and our life.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that they may perceive the one true faith as a response to God’s love, and so that they may allow God to enter their lives, and be renewed from the inside.

2 – Second mystery : Mary goes to visit Her cousin Elizabeth

Fruit of the mystery : Love of neighbour, Charity

Mary hurries towards the mountains. Why is she in such a rush? Joy gives us wings, as does Charity. That is why Our Lady hurries to help Her cousin who needs her.

“My soul magnifies the Lord”. You are expecting a baby who is Our Lord, O Mary, and that is why You are full of love for us all. The place you have prepared for God inside your body increases the love You give to us.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that their faith may be increased through works of mercy, and that they may be made worthy recipients of God’s love.

How to approach the Rosary on the borders?

The Rosary on the Borders is an initiative that was launched by a group of Catholics in Poland, and it slowly spread to various countries throughout the world. The idea was to respond to the first request of Our Lady at Fatima: “Pray the rosary every day to obtain peace in the world and the end of the war”.

The rosary is a perfect prayer

This request was repeated at each apparition of Our Lady in Fatima, before any other request. It seems clear this prayer was the cornerstone of the spiritual structure that God wanted to build, in order to save the world from the material, moral and physical evils of World War One, and to preserve us from an “even worse war, which would break out during the reign of Pope Pius XI” if we did not listen to Our Lady’s demands.

Why is the rosary so important?

The importance of the rosary arises from its very nature. All the Saints consider the rosary to be powerful, because it contains all the qualities of a perfect prayer, addressed to the most perfect creature, Our Lady, Mother of Our Lord and of all human beings.

Firstly, the rosary allows us to meditate upon the mysteries of the works performed by Our Lord and Our Lady in order to obtain our salvation.

The regular repetition of the different mysteries makes present to us in prayer the lives of Our Lord and His mother. This is a very powerful means, given by Our Lady to Saint Dominic, to help us remember these mysteries.

Through our union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of God, we are able to deepen our knowledge of these mysteries, and to obtain the graces and the virtues that they contain. The great virtue of this prayer is that it helps us to understand the feelings of Our Lady, who “treasured in Her Heart all the things that She saw”.

It is also a communal prayer. The rosary makes Our Lady present amongst us, the Queen of Heaven and Our Mother – more as a Mother than as a Queen.

An image used by the Curé of Ars to describe the rosary, is that of a piece of straw on fire. It burns without producing much light or heat, but when many pieces of straw are gathered together and burned, they generate a great amount of light and heat. The aim of the Rosary on the Borders is to gather around Our Lady all Her human children, scattered and dispersed by sin.

The rosary is a school of Christian life

Secondly, the perfection of the rosary arises from the fact that it is more than a school of prayer; it is also a school of virtue.

The repeated meditation of the mysteries of the rosary enables us to admire the work of Jesus and His Mother, undertaken for our salvation. Our admiration leads us towards gratitude for such a Divine love for us, poor sinners, and finally to the complete consecration of ourselves to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, in order to serve Them more generously. This love can lead us to renew our baptismal vows, when our godparents promised, in our name, to avoid sin, not to offend Our Lord and to imitate Him by practicing the Christian virtues.

That is why the rosary, apart from being a school of prayer, is also a school of virtue, as Our Lord told us: “I am meek and humble of heart”. Humility and kindness are the real marks of Christianity, and the sole basis for peace between people, among families and within countries.

Many Popes throughout the centuries have encouraged the recitation of the rosary, on account of its great power. Their teachings can be summarized in a few words: the rosary is a school of Christian education, a school that forms spiritual and moral standards, a divine method, an unsurpassed school of Christian life.

In one of many encyclicals dedicated to the rosary, and a very good summary of all of them, Pope Leo XIII describes the efficacy of the rosary: “Those who pray the rosary experience the same feeling as they would if they were listening to the Mother of Mercy explaining all these mysteries to them, and talking to them about their salvation”.

Finally, let us recall the words of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort: “Through the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed, and Jesus will reign over us”.

How to approach the Rosary on the borders?

The Rosary on the Borders is an initiative that was launched by a group of Catholics in Poland, and it slowly spread to various countries throughout the world. The idea was to respond to the first request of Our Lady at Fatima: “Pray the rosary every day to obtain peace in the world and the end of the war”.

The rosary is a perfect prayer

This request was repeated at each apparition of Our Lady in Fatima, before any other request. It seems clear this prayer was the cornerstone of the spiritual structure that God wanted to build, in order to save the world from the material, moral and physical evils of World War One, and to preserve us from an “even worse war, which would break out during the reign of Pope Pius XI” if we did not listen to Our Lady’s demands.

Why is the rosary so important?

The importance of the rosary arises from its very nature. All the Saints consider the rosary to be powerful, because it contains all the qualities of a perfect prayer, addressed to the most perfect creature, Our Lady, Mother of Our Lord and of all human beings.

Firstly, the rosary allows us to meditate upon the mysteries of the works performed by Our Lord and Our Lady in order to obtain our salvation.

The regular repetition of the different mysteries makes present to us in prayer the lives of Our Lord and His mother. This is a very powerful means, given by Our Lady to Saint Dominic, to help us remember these mysteries.

Through our union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of God, we are able to deepen our knowledge of these mysteries, and to obtain the graces and the virtues that they contain. The great virtue of this prayer is that it helps us to understand the feelings of Our Lady, who “treasured in Her Heart all the things that She saw”.

It is also a communal prayer. The rosary makes Our Lady present amongst us, the Queen of Heaven and Our Mother – more as a Mother than as a Queen.

An image used by the Curé of Ars to describe the rosary, is that of a piece of straw on fire. It burns without producing much light or heat, but when many pieces of straw are gathered together and burned, they generate a great amount of light and heat. The aim of the Rosary on the Borders is to gather around Our Lady all Her human children, scattered and dispersed by sin.

The rosary is a school of Christian life

Secondly, the perfection of the rosary arises from the fact that it is more than a school of prayer; it is also a school of virtue.

The repeated meditation of the mysteries of the rosary enables us to admire the work of Jesus and His Mother, undertaken for our salvation. Our admiration leads us towards gratitude for such a Divine love for us, poor sinners, and finally to the complete consecration of ourselves to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, in order to serve Them more generously. This love can lead us to renew our baptismal vows, when our godparents promised, in our name, to avoid sin, not to offend Our Lord and to imitate Him by practicing the Christian virtues.

That is why the rosary, apart from being a school of prayer, is also a school of virtue, as Our Lord told us: “I am meek and humble of heart”. Humility and kindness are the real marks of Christianity, and the sole basis for peace between people, among families and within countries.

Many Popes throughout the centuries have encouraged the recitation of the rosary, on account of its great power. Their teachings can be summarized in a few words: the rosary is a school of Christian education, a school that forms spiritual and moral standards, a divine method, an unsurpassed school of Christian life.

In one of many encyclicals dedicated to the rosary, and a very good summary of all of them, Pope Leo XIII describes the efficacy of the rosary: “Those who pray the rosary experience the same feeling as they would if they were listening to the Mother of Mercy explaining all these mysteries to them, and talking to them about their salvation”.

Finally, let us recall the words of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort: “Through the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed, and Jesus will reign over us”.