Meditations for the Rosary ( continued).

The Sorrowful Mysteries (Continued)

3. Third mystery : Jesus is crowned with thorns

Fruit of the mystery: The grace to mortify our senses perfectly

 In the courtroom, the soldiers stand around Jesus and place a crown of thorns on His head, mocking him as a king. They beat Him, humiliate Him and spit on Him as though He were an outcast.

 O Mary, like Jesus, You know what it is to be humiliated. And like Your Son, you care about those who are excluded from society by a culture of consumption and rejection.

 “O Jesus, mocked by everyone, help us to overcome our spirit of conceit. Free us from all passing things, and attach us to those things that will always endure”. Saint Padre Pio

 O Mary, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World. Teach us to respect, to understand and to love all those who suffer or are humiliated, so that they may find peace of heart.

4. Fourth mystery : Our Lord Carries the Cross to Calvary

Fruit of the mystery: Perseverance in difficulties

Jesus is exhausted and falls under the weight of his heavy Cross. That is why Simon of Cyrene, who was passing by, is arrested and forced to carry the Cross of Jesus.

What does this service represent in all the suffering of the Passion ?

“But Jesus is already satisfied with a smile, a word, a simple gesture, a little love, to pour his grace into the soul of his friend.” St. Josemaria

Holy Mary, pray for us, for our country and for all the countries of the world so that we never run out of ‘Cyreneans’ – doctors and conscientious caregivers – who accompany us in the last moments of our life until our natural death.

5. Fifth mystery :  Jesus dies on the Cross

Fruit of the mystery: Greater love of God and the souls

On His cross, Our Lord opens His arms to all humanity. His love for us has led Him to this moment. And on the cross he thirsts …. He is thirsty for our souls, and for our love.

O Mary, whenever we imitate You, uniting ourselves with the sacrifice of Our Lord, we know that this sacrifice comes from love, expresses love and brings love. And this mutual love leads to the forgiveness of our sins.

“You are the ones who have stood by me in my trials, and I confer onto you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one onto Me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom”. Saint Luke, 22, 28

O Mary, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World. Teach us to value Our Lord’s sacrifice, teach us not to be afraid of making  sacrifices, which are a source of interior purification and peace.

Meditations for the Rosary ( continued).

The Sorrowful Mysteries

1- First mystery : Jesus, filled with anxiety, prays to His Celestial Father.

Fruit of the mystery: Perfect sorrow for our sins

Night has fallen. It is dark. Jesus is lonely and deeply sad. He is tormented by the thought of our sins. The Apostles have fallen asleep. But Jesus continues to pray for us.

 O Mary, the Apostles did not even have the courage to stay awake for an hour with Jesus. We also often abandon our prayers because we do not believe that they are very powerful. We do not realize that Jesus is praying with us and carries our prayers to God, His Father.

 “O Jesus, agonizing in the Olive Garden, help us to overcome our desolation and misery and make us sorry for having offended God” Saint Padre Pio.

 Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World. Teach us how to pray and persevere in our prayer, like Jesus did, and entrust us to the care of God the Father.

2- Second mystery : Jesus is scourged

Fruit of the mystery: the mortification of the senses

 Pilate orders his soldiers to scourge Jesus. The lashes tear His flesh. It is impossible to describe the pain He undergoes. And still the scourging continues. It seems as it is never going to end. Then Jesus falls down, nearly dead.

 O Mary, the prophecy is fulfilled : Your heart is pierced by every lash. Nobody has felt Our Lord’s pain as You did. And now, as our Mother, You experience the sufferings of all human beings who undergo the hardships of war, violence, abuse and persecution.

 “May the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, always be with us in our words and in our hearts … God asks us not to stop when we are tired of struggling, not to despair or to say: “It is not worth fighting any more, let us give up”. This is cowardice. We must do our duty till the end.” Saint Theresa of the Infant Jesus

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World. Teach us truly to persevere in all our efforts, in our sufferings, in our tears, in union with all those who suffer, so that we may offer our own   contribution to the peace of the World.

Meditations for the Rosary ( continued).

The Joyful Mysteries (continued) :

3 – Third mystery : Jesus is born in a stable in Bethleem

Fruit of the mystery : Detachment from things of this world

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Almighty God came into the World just like all of us, small and defenceless. He will save us not by force, but by the vulnerability of a child who requires tender love.

Mary, You “wrapped Him in linen and laid Him in a manger”. Your eyes, filled with delight and admiration, never left Him. No-one has ever contemplated the sacred mystery of life with such tenderness.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that they may find a place in their hearts and in their lives for each and every child, from the moment of conception.

4- Fourth mystery: Jesus is presented to God in the temple.

Fruit of the mystery: Obedience and purity of heart and body.

Our Lady and Saint Joseph went to the Temple because, according to the Law, the mother must be purified and the child must be presented to God.

You obeyed the Law, Mary, even though you had no need to be purified. You did this with a holy obedience to the Law of God and the Jewish people, so that by respecting these laws, peace and order may be safeguarded.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that they may respect the legitimate government and obey the civil and Christian laws, and so that our country may be an example of order through compliance with God’s commandments.

5- Fifth mystery: The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple.

Fruit of the mystery: The search for God in all things.

Our Lady and Saint Joseph were desperately searching for Jesus. No-one knew where He was. At last, after three days, they found Him in the Temple teaching the doctors, who were all astonished by His intelligence.

O Mary, You were searching for Jesus with an immense grief and worry. You tried to understand. “Why did You do this to us ?” Jesus wants above all to do the will of His Father. That is why He first goes back home with Mary and Joseph, and why He will later leave His parents’ house to serve His heavenly Father.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that peace and understanding may prevail in families and so that many vocations may emerge in our families.

The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen.

In the midst of the second world war Pope Pius XII put the whole world under the special protection of our Saviour’s Mother by consecrating it to her Immaculate Heart, and in 1944 he decreed that in the future the whole Church should celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 22, octave day of the Assumption. This is not a new devotion. In the 17th century, St John Eudes and then in the 19th century, Pius VII and Pius IX preached and celebrated thePure Heart of Mary close to the feast the Sacred Heart.

Our Lady is intimately associated with the redemptive work of her Son, mediating all graces. At all times, the Christian people have recognized the royal dignity of the mother of the “King of kings and Lord of lords”. Pius XII, responding to the unanimous wish of the faithful and pastors, instituted the feast of Mary Queen in 1954. He thus sanctioned the worship rendered by all to the sovereign of heaven and earth.

“O Mary, ever Virgin, who because of thy great worth, God set up as Queen of the whole world, pray for our peace and salvation, for Thou hast brought forth Christ the Lord, the Savior of us all.”

Meditations for the Rosary.

In the coming weeks, we will offer you meditations in connection with the different mysteries of the Rosary.

The Joyful Mysteries :

1 – First mystery : The Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary

Fruit of the mystery : Humility

The Blessed Virgin, surprised by the sudden appearance of the Angel, receives his message as a request of love from God. She believes in the love of God, Who loved us first and wants us to love Him in return. And God gives new life to all those who respond to His love.

“Behold the handmaid of the Lord”. Your assent means that You become the Mother of God. You give us Jesus, our way, our truth and our life.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that they may perceive the one true faith as a response to God’s love, and so that they may allow God to enter their lives, and be renewed from the inside.

2 – Second mystery : Mary goes to visit Her cousin Elizabeth

Fruit of the mystery : Love of neighbour, Charity

Mary hurries towards the mountains. Why is she in such a rush? Joy gives us wings, as does Charity. That is why Our Lady hurries to help Her cousin who needs her.

“My soul magnifies the Lord”. You are expecting a baby who is Our Lord, O Mary, and that is why You are full of love for us all. The place you have prepared for God inside your body increases the love You give to us.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that their faith may be increased through works of mercy, and that they may be made worthy recipients of God’s love.