God’s love for us is immense. God created man in order to share His eternal happiness with him. But, since the original sin, men are tempted by Satan who can only suggest temporal pleasures. Full of themselves, men tend to abandon God and think only about themselves.
In order to “deliver us from evil” (words of the Pater), God wanted the redemption of humanity. Our Lady said “fiat” and God sent us His only son to save us from hell. By saying “fiat”, Our Lady became mediator of all graces necessary to our salvation. So, let us ask the Virgin Mary all that we need. She is the right way to go to Jesus. Those who find Our Lady will find Our Lord. So, we must pray Our Lady more than ever and encourage our neighbor to do the same.
By praying the rosary, we show our attachment to Mary. By the meditation of the mysteries of the lives of Jesus and Mary, we seek her help. The rosary touches the heart of our celestial Mother. She has promised her children who pray the rosary a particular help, “a solution to all our problems great and small” (Sister Lucie of Fatima).
So let us be apostles, apostles of Jesus through Mary, apostles of the rosary !
Let this period of prayer, enhanced by some hymns, take place in serenity and peace, showing charity and respect to everyone in the surroundings and following the security instructions.
Humbly and full of confidence in God, we ask for the support of Mary, comforter of the suffering, in this troubled period. We confide our souls, families, societies, our country and the whole world to Her.
The prayer of the rosary is always said on the date indicated on the site unless otherwise specified.
If you want to help finance the printing of posters, flyers and little books for isolated poeple in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons (we shall send them to you, if you send us a mail at info@rosaryontheborders.be ), you can make a donation on the following bank account : IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC ARSPBE22. We thank you in advance.
If you take photographs of a group of people praying the rosary in public, you can transfer them to us (it may encourage other people to participate) by mail at info@rosaryontheborder.be but, please, respect the faithful’s private life and ask them in advance if they don’t mind. If you send us these photos, you automatically give us a right to use them on digital supports as Instagram, Facebook and/or this site. If you don’t want us to use them, please mention a copyright notice on the picture before sending it.
On several occasions, Pope Francis has asked his faithful to pray the rosary, especially during the month of October: « Pray so that Our Lady may protect the Church, that She may preserve it from the attacks of Satan and so that the Church may bravely fight the evil in the world » (September 2018).
On Saturday 7th October 2023, at 3 pm, as Our Lady has asked many times in Fatima, we shall pray the rosary, in Belgium and throughout the world, for the Church, the development of the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, for the protection of human life and for peace in the world. The Church, mystical spouse of Jesus Christ, has the duty to transmit the Catholic Faith and Christ’s teachings until the end of the world. By administering the sacraments, She must also share out many graces to the faithful.
According to the popes’teachings, the Church wishes « that all Christian faithful may benefit from the protection of Our Lady who loves us all » and wants us to benefit from the fruits of Redemption. (Pius XII, encyclical « Ad Coeli Reginam » introducing the feast of Mary Queen)
A short time before her death, Saint Jacintha told her cousin Lucie: « tell everybody that God gives us His graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary (…) and that She has the power to give it to us. I wish I could fill all hearts with the immense love for the hearts of Jesus and Mary that burns inside me. Let us console these Hearts by praying the rosary in reparation for sins that offend their hearts and for the conversion of poor sinners.
Thus, by showing our attachment to Mary in praying the rosary, we are also asking for her assistance as we meditate the episodes of her life with her Son, Jesus, to whom she guides us. The prayer of the rosary reaches the heart of our heavenly Mother. She promised those of her children who pray the rosary, a very special assistance, ‘ a solution to all problems whatever their importance’ (Sr Lucia of Fatima).
Let this period of prayer, enhanced by some hymns, take place in serenity and peace, showing charity and respect to everyone in the surroundings and following the security instructions.
Humbly and full of confidence in God, we ask for the support of Mary, comforter of the suffering, in this troubled period. We confide our souls, families, societies, our country and the whole world to Her.
We invite you to form groups of prayers and send us their addresses so that others can join them following the locations on the map/or list attached on this page.
The prayer of the rosary is always said on the date indicated on the site unless otherwise specified.
Get together and pray! Join in and advertise those places of worship to those who seek the one Peace which Mary leads us to, that Peace which can only be found in God!
To transfer this information, you can download the flyers, print and share them. If you want to help finance the printing of flyers (we shall send them to you, if you send us a mail at info@rosaryontheborders.be ), you can make a donation on the following bank account : IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC ARSPBE22. We thank you in advance.
If you take photographs of a group of people praying the rosary in public, you can transfer them to us (it may encourage other people to participate) by mail at info@rosaryontheborder.be but, please, respect the faithful’s private life and ask them in advance if they don’t mind. If you send us these photos, you automatically give us a right to use them on digital supports as Instagram, Facebook and/or this site. If you don’t want us to use them, please mention a copyright notice on the picture before sending it.
“Pray, pray a lot.” “Pray always.” “I will convert sinners.” “Do you love my Son? Do you love me? Then sacrifice yourself for me. Farewell.” (Our Lady of Beauraing 1932 – 1933.)
These few requests of Our Lady in Beauraing in 1932 and 1933 are among the many exhortations of our Heavenly Mother always going in the same direction: an insistent request for prayers and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners.
Having accepted at the Incarnation to be the Mother of the Saviour, Mary, Coredemptrix, stands at the foot of the Cross on which the Son of God, her son, dies for the salvation of the world, embracing the unspeakable horror of the luciferian ‘Non serviam’ – I will not serve – rebellions that are the sins of humanity in the face of the infinite love of the Father.
Christ’s sacrifice is perpetuated throughout the world until the end of time in the Consecration at Holy Mass. He calls us to unite ourselves to this offering of the Son of God to his Father for the forgiveness of sins and the conversion of all. What a grace, what a gift and what a mission…
Let us pass on to those around us this unconditional love of our Creator for each of his creatures. Let us collaborate as much as possible in its radiance. Is not the first of our charities towards our neighbours to let them know what will make them truly happy and for ever?
Mary, who became our Mother at the foot of the Cross and who was very distressed to see the extent to which humanity was turning away from its final goal, eternal happiness in God, came to tell us again and again about the love that she shared with the Father and the Son and that together they wanted for all. In season and out of season, she insists that we become aware of the brevity of our passage on earth. She urges us to live more and more of the life of God through prayer and the sacraments. Finally, she asks us to do penance and reparation for those who offend God, infinitely good, the origin and end of all things.
On Saturday 1 October 2022 at 15.00, we will ask through the Rosary prayer that Mary intercede for us with her Son, Jesus, to strengthen our Faith, protect Life and obtain Peace at all levels of society in our beloved country and the whole world. We will pray in union with all those who pray, whether we know them or not, throughout Belgium and the world.
The messages of Our Lady of the Golden Heart in Beauraing (1932-1933) as well as those of Our Lady of the Poor in Banneux (1933), remind us of the ardent requests of our good Mother of Heaven to the children of Fatima and then to Sister Lucia in 1925.
At the beginning of this month, the first Saturday will be a day of special graces to begin or deepen the devotion insistently requested by Our Lady at Fatima for the conversion of sinners.
To help you pass on this information to those around you, do not hesitate to ask for posters or flyers when you register .
If you know of rest homes, hospitals or other places where people live who cannot come but who would nevertheless like to join in this moment of prayer, small ‘prayer books’ can help them. To obtain them, all you need to do is to send us an e-mail by 15 September at the latest (info@rosaryontheborders.be), stating the number of ‘prayer books’ you would like and the address to which we can send them. Please also specify the name of the institution where these people live so that there is no duplication.
Any donation to the account IBAN: BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC: ARSPBE22 is welcome to support the printing of posters and flyers, the production of prayer books for isolated people and the postage costs. We thank you in advance for your contribution at this level!
Please register as a leader or a prayer leader using the online form which you can find on the website www.rosaireauxfrontieres.be under the heading “Places of Prayer – Saturday 1 October 2022”.
May Our Lady guard and protect you! To Jesus through Mary!
When you take photos of the public rosary and wish to share them with us to encourage others to join this time of prayer via Instagram, Facebook and/or this site by emailing them to us at info@rosaryontheborders.be, please respect the privacy of other participants and let them know that photos will be taken. If you upload images/photos and send them to us, you automatically grant our initiative the right to use them. This includes use on digital media such as cards, homepages, social media posts, as well as offline media. If you do not wish to do so, please make a legible copyright notice on the image before uploading it.
Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, 13 june 1917 (by Sister Maria da Conceiçao, ocd)
These last few days a question keeps being asked : “how to pray and which prayer is best in times of calamity ?”In normal times, the best way to pray would be to join in the public prayers of the Church because such prayers are an extention of that of Christ on his cross. Thus, it greatly pleases God, as it takes part in the infinite merits of Christ. Our prayers acquire a special value if expressed in communion with the Holy Sacrifice of Mass as the perpetually renewed prayer of Christ till the end of times. Saint Gertrude (13th century) said, quote ” Let each one concentrate in praying with deeper devotion focusing on the Passion of Jesus Christ, as associating the Passion of His Son always increases the value of our prayers to the Father”.
Therefore what can we do now during this period of adversity which compels us to stay indoors : prayer and penance – such must be the answer of a good Christian.
God, Himself, taught us how to pray through the Scriptures in the past and later in speech when Jesus Christ, His Son, taught us the words of the “Holy Father” (Mt. VI,9-13 and Lk XI,1-4), as well as through His messenger, Gabriel, the Archangel, with the words of the “Hail Mary”, the salutation to Our Lady, a highly redemptory prayer, awaiting Her assent (Fiat) the source of the Incarnation and of our Redemption.
These two prayers are particularly dear to God. We can therefore easily understand how, along with the psalms of the Prophet David, they contribute to forming the basis of the official and public worship of the Church, known as the Divine Office ; the latter’s composition goes back in history and was meant as a spiritual nourishment for the early Christians in keeping with God’s will and wisdom.
The Rosary, also called “Mary’s psalms book”, goes up to God’s heart as well as to Our Lady’s heart, because it teaches us how to follow the pattern of Mary’s emotions (“…who was keeping all things in her heart.” Luke II, 19). Our tender Mother in Heaven revealed it to Saint Dominic, asking for its recitation on several occasions during the past centuries. Mary never ceased to remind us how much this prayer is worthy of merits. When we recite the “Hail Mary”, also called the Angel’s Salutation we repeat the words of God himself, in giving thanks to Him, meditating the life of Jesus Christ and Our Lady and asking for the grace to imitate their virtues, thereby getting closer to God, our Father.
Praying the rosary, along with real penance and in communion with the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, is certainly the most efficient way for us all to obtain from God the salvation of our souls.
Six times in a row, on her apparitions to the children of Fatima, Our Lady asked that we pray the rosary and that we ” cease causing offences to God who has already suffered so many “.
The following extract of the conversation that Sister Lucia of Fatima had with Father Fuentes in 1958 confirms all this: « Dear Father, Our Lady is very sad because nobody takes any notice of Her message, …, in God’s plans, when God wants to punish the world, He first starts with several other remedies. But when God sees that the world refuses to use those remedies, then He gives us the last remedy for our salvation, namely His Holy Mother, Our Lady. And if we despise and refuse this last remedy, we won’t be able to receive God’s mercy because we shall have committed a sin, called « sin against the Holy Spirit » which consists in, deliberately and with full knowledge, refusing the salvation offered to us. Let us remember that Jesus is an excellent Son and that He cannot stand that we offend or despise His Divine Mother. Throughout the history of the Church, we can see that Our Lord has always defended His Mother’s honour. There are two ways by which we can save the world : prayer and penance. So let us pray the rosary every day. Dear Father, Our Lady has now given a new efficacy to the rosary. Therefore, there is not one problem, as difficult as it may be, temporal or spiritual, concerning our personal life, the lives of the members of our family, the lives of religious communities or the lives of countries , there is not one problem that cannot be solved by the recitation of the rosary. With the recitation of the rosary, we shall save our souls, sanctify ourselves, we shall console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls. So let us have a greater devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Mother, considering Her as the main source of clemency, kindness and pardon, and as the true gate of Heaven. » Still, during this interview with Father Fuentes, Sister Lucia insisted, with severe words, on our duty to do penance : « Father, Sister Lucia said once more, we must not wait for the Pope to ask us to do penance nor wait for our bishops to do so. No, Our Lord has already used these means and the world has not listened to Him. That is why each of us must now start his or her own spiritual reform. Each one of us must save his our her soul, but also the souls of those found in his or her path. Satan does everything he can to distract us , to remove from us the taste for prayer. We shall save our souls or be damned for ever … »
The Church makes us remember this in one of her liturgical prayer in which she solemnly implores the Mercy of God: « O God offended by our sins but conciliated by our penance, please hear our prayers and divert Your wrath, which we have deserved by our sins ».
During this pandemic, we must look after our mortal bodies, but much more must we look after our immortal souls. Let us take care of our poor souls and those of all our acquaintances so that they may find the fountain that never dries up : « But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to Eternal Life » (St John, IV, 14).
Let us join all those who, throughout the world, find their strength in the daily recitation of the rosary and let us join the effort of those countries (Ireland, Lebanon, Zambia, Jordan, Australia …) that have already followed this path which leads to Eternal Life. Let us share this spirit of Love and Hope around us and God will revive the True Faith amongst all countries.
On Sunday 13th October 2019 at 3 pm, anniversary date of the last apparition of Our Lady in Fatima in 1917, we shall pray the rosary in many places throughout Belgium and the world. We shall ask Our Lady, Our Good Mother, for the revival of the Catholic Faith, for the respect of Life and for Peace in Belgium and throughout the world. We shall be united with other faithful who will also pray the rosary in other countries.
The repetition of the « Hail Mary » of the Rosary, crown of roses for Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and of Earth, is a time of meditation during which we shall try and imitate Our Lady, the perfect mirror of Divine life. Through the recitation of the Rosary, we ask Our Lady to call on Jesus, Her Son, to help our family, friends and neighbours. In this way, we submit our requests To God.
It is also a good way to gather together : « For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them » (Matthew, 18, 20) and to create prayer groups which could continue for a certain period of time.
Let us all put our names down on the form that you will find on this website under the heading « The Rosary ». Let us lead a group or join a group.
At three o’ clock, implore My mercy, especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world. I will allow you to enter into My mortal sorrow. In this hour, I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion…
It was the hour of grace for the whole world – mercy triumphed over justice. My daughter, in this hour, at least step into the chapel for a moment and adore, in the Blessed Sacrament, My Heart, which is full of mercy; and should you be unable to step into the chapel, immerse yourself in prayer there where you happen to be, if only for a very brief instant. I claim veneration for My mercy from every creature, but above all from you, since it is to you that I have given the most profound understanding of this mystery.
With this prayer of the Rosary, let us pray the Holy Trinity to have mercy on our country so that the divine mercy may triumph over justice, and that the light of the Catholic faith may disperse the darkness in which our country and the world is left because of the apostasy.
I ask every one of you to support the Rosary on the Borders.
I ask you to pray to Our Lady, a Jewish woman, who spoke Aramaic and became the Mother of Our Lord Jesus and the Mother of God.
Let us thank Our Lady for appearing to three children in Fatima, in 1917, to condemn the horrors of Word War I, and again in Banneux, in 1933, to give a holy source of water to all nations just as the nazi regime started to gain power.
In the diocese of Liege, a group of faithful will pray the rosary in Moresnet, at a crossroads between Belgium, Holland and Germany. It is a place where three different languages are used, a contact point between three different cultures, who respect and appreciate each other.
Let us pray for the Dutch and the Germans, for the Belgian people who speak French, Dutch or Arabic, or other languages, for the Belgian people who do not share our religion, Christians as well as moslems.
Let us pray that our country, touched by a diversity of cultures, may be always ready to welcome foreigners, migrants and refugees.
Let us pray that the whole Word, often divided and violent, may find peace and reconciliation through the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Peace.
Even though I don’t have any responsibility anymore in Belgium, I am delighted about the Rosary prayer project for Faith, Life and Peace that will be recited in our country on October 13th. From the Monastery of the Visitandines of Thonon-les-Bains (France), where I will be preaching a retreat that day, I will unite myself closely with this initiative in communion with all my compatriots.
The first recorded words of Our Lady in the Annunciation shows us a women of faith, who when presented with Gods Will in her life was at first “deeply troubled” but the assurance of the Archangel Gabriel not to be afraid because “nothing is impossible for God” led her to open her heart and say yes to God. Her last recorded words are “Do whatever he tells you”.
The Rosary enables us to reflect on the events of the life of Our Lady’s Son, and to share in her joy that her son become our Saviour.
When we are troubled and afraid, we shall find joy and courage as we seek to “do whatever he tells us”. The Rosary Around the Coast is an act of faith in troubled times, asking for the protection and motherly care of the women who stood at the foot of the Cross.
This simple public act of faith intercedes for all Gods people, that they may share with us the cause of Marys joy, Jesus Christ our Saviour.
God bless
+ Mgr John Armitage,
Rector of The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, Great Britain