The 54 Days’ Novena of the Rosary

  1. The origin of the “54 Days’ Rosary Novena”

In order to be continuously in the presence of Our Lady, Bartolo Longo ” Apostle of the Rosary ”, beatified by Pope John-Paul II in 1980, felt the urge to write a novena to the Virgin of Pompei.

Following is his story account: “In the month of August 1879, as I was seriously ill, I wrote a prayer in honour of Our Lady of Pompei in view of obtaining her graces; it is the Novena to Our Lady of Pompei seeking her graces in desperate situations.”

On 3rd March 1884, a young girl named Fortuna Agrelli received a revelation on this special devotion from the Blessed Virgin Mary.  At the time, suffering from three distinct incurable illnesses, her case had been abandoned by the medical doctors.  In the last resort, the young girl and her family had started to pray a rosary novena.

Our Lady appeared before Fortuna in the same way as she had appeared before Saint Bartolo Longo a few years before, seated on a high throne, a rosary in her hand, and holding the Infant-Jesus on her knees, with Saint Dominic and Saint Catherine of Sienna surrounding her.

The young invalid greeted the Holy Virgin with those words: “Queen of the Holy Rosary, have mercy on me, and make me well again!  I have already offered you a novena of prayers, O Holy Mary, but have not yet received your assistance.  I want so much to recover soon”.

“My child, answered the Holy Virgin, you have invoked me under different titles and I have granted you some favours.  Now, since you have addressed me as “Queen of the Rosary” which sounds so pleasant to me, I cannot refuse the favour you seek; this is my most precious and dear title.  Thus, if you pray three novenas, you will be granted everything.”

On another occasion, the Queen of the Holy Rosary appeared to the young girl and told her “Whoever wishes to obtain some favours from me should say three rosary novenas for the request, followed by three rosary novenas for thanksgiving.

Having followed Our Lady’s instructions, the young girl was cured and recovered full health.

2. How to pray the Rosary Novena during 54 days?

A novena takes nine days. Our Lady said to the young Fortuna « make three novenas asking for a grace and then three novenas in thanksgiving ». So we suggest you to make 6 novenas, spread over 54 days.

To make this novena, you must pray a rosary (5 decades) every day during 27 days. You should medidate on the mysteries asking the grace you want to obtain. Immediately after that first part, you should pray a rosary in thanksgiving during 27 days, even if you have not obtained the grace you asked for.

This is how the six rosary novena has started. It is called the « 54 days rosary novena »

To pray this novena correctly, you must pray the rosary every day during 54 days without missing one day and you must meditate on the relevant mysteries.

This means that you always start the novena with the joyful mysteries (whatever day of the week you start the novena). The second day you pray the sorrowful mysteries and, on the third day, you pray the glorious mysteries.

On the fourth day, you pray the joyful mysteries again and so on during 54 days.

One can wonder why the luminous mysteries are not mentioned. This is because Our Lady gave us this novena in 1884, when the luminous mysteries did not exist yet. So this novena only comprises joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries.

We are told that Pope Leon XIII was very impressed by the miracle of Fortuna’s cure, which was obtained by the « 54 days rosary novena ».

This late Pope wrote 17 encyclicals about the rosary and asked all faithful catholics to pray the rosary devotely. The following popes did the same.

3. Intentions

In Belgium and throughout the world, troubled times are right upon us. It is difficult to obtain individual or social peace. The laws which do not correspond to God’s laws and commandments tend to destroy Faith, Life and Peace. These laws are leading the world to a major crisis.

Therefore, let us implore God’s graces as He is our Father. May He be touched by the requests that His creatures address to their Holy Mother. If possible, from the bottom of our hearts, let us unite our prayers to those of our friends and relatives and  spread the treasures of the rosary, holy viaticum and defence which will lead us to the happiness that never ends.

Let us live those 54 days in the presence of all the saints and martyrs of our countries. If we reflect upon their lives, our faith, our hope and our charity will continue to grow.





October, month of Our Lady, month of the rosary, crown of Ave Maria for Our Lady.

In the strict sense of the word, the rosary is a « little hat » similar to a crown. In the Middle Ages, people used to put a crown of roses on Our Lady’s statues, each rose representing a prayer, therefore the word « rosary ».

Saint Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort (1673-1716) was always encouraging his faithful to pray the rosary. He used to teach them how to go « to Jesus through Our Lady », among other things, by a consecration to Our Lady in a sort of intimacy that leads us directly to Our Lord. He wrote several book. You you will find some extracts of them thereafter :

« The Ave Maria is the most beautiful prayer after the Our Father. It is a beautiful compliment given to Our Lady. It was the compliment that God gave Her through the salutation of the Archangel Gabriel. After receiving such a compliment and, although she was humble, She said fiat to the incarnation of the Word. The Ave Maria moves Her Heart.

Many Saints have said that an Ave Maria properly recited, that is, with attention, devotion and humility, is Satan’s enemy. It makes the Devil run away. An Ave Maria sanctifies our souls, is a joy for the Angels, the hymn of the New Testament. It brings joy to Our Lady and glory to the Holy Trinity. » Extract of Traité de la vraie dévotion à la Sainte Vierge.

« A bead of your rosary is like a rose bud, it seems such a small thing but it is very precious. It will blossom if you pray it devotely. If you cannot say a whole rosary every day, then, at least, say five decades a day. It is a « little hat of roses » that you put on Our Lady’s head. Listen to me and remember this beautiful story.

« Two little girls, two sisters, were sitting on their doorstep and were devotely praying the rosary when a beautiful Lady appeared to them. She came near the yougest girl, who was only seven years old, and took her by the hand. Her eldest sister started looking for her but she could not find her. She went home in tears and told her parents that she had disappeared. The parents started looking for their daughter. After three days, they found her smiling on the doorstep. They asked her where she had been. She answered that Our Lady had taken her to a very nice place, given her very good things to eat and showed her a very nice child whom she had kissed over and over again.The parents, who had recently converted to the Catholic Church, called the Jesuit priest who had taught them the Faith and told him what had happened. This story happened in Paraguay and was related by the priest. So, my  dear children, let us imitate these girls and pray our rosary every day. And then, at the hour of our death, God will lead us to Heaven where we will see Jesus and Mary during all eternity. May wise men as well as ignorants, just and sinners, children and adults, greet Our Lord and our Lady,  night and day, through the recitation of the rosary. Salute Mariam, quae multum laboravit in vobis (Romans, 16.6). Extract of Le secret admirable du Très Saint Rosaire pour se convertir et se sauver.

Pictures and testimonials of October 13th

Two weeks ago, on 13th October, the Rosary on the Borders was prayed by many people around the country and beyond the borders of Belgium.

Numerous photos show the intensity, the devotion and the fervour of all those prayers. Feel free to check them out here. Thanks for sharing them !

To thank you all who participated. To encourage everyone to continue with this powerful devotion, here is the present that Saint Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort gives us :

Dear little friends, this beautiful rosebud is for you; it is one of the beads of your Rosary, and it may seem to you to be such a tiny thing. But if you only knew how precious this bead is! This wonderful bud will open out into a gorgeous rose if you say your Hail Mary really well. Of course it would be too much to expect you to say the whole fifteen mysteries every day, but do say at least five mysteries, and say them properly with love and devotion. This Rosary will be your little wreath of roses, your crown for Jesus and Mary.

From ‘The Admirable Secret of the Rosary‘.

To Jesus through Mary.