Saturday 5th October 2024, at 3 pm, let’s pray the rosary for Belgium and the world


God’s love for us is immense. God created man in order to share His eternal happiness with him. But, since the original sin, men are tempted by Satan who can only suggest temporal pleasures. Full of themselves, men tend to abandon God and think only about themselves.

In order to “deliver us from evil” (words of the Pater), God wanted the redemption of humanity. Our Lady said “fiat” and God sent us His only son to save us from hell. By saying “fiat”, Our Lady became mediator of all graces necessary to our salvation. So, let us ask the Virgin Mary all that we need. She is the right way to go to Jesus. Those who find Our Lady will find Our Lord. So, we must pray Our Lady more than ever and encourage our neighbor to do the same.

By praying the rosary, we show our attachment to Mary. By the meditation of the mysteries of the lives of Jesus and Mary, we seek her help. The rosary touches the heart of our celestial Mother. She has promised her children who pray the rosary a particular help, “a solution to all our problems great and small” (Sister Lucie of Fatima).

So let us be apostles, apostles of Jesus through Mary, apostles of the rosary !

Let this period of prayer, enhanced by some hymns, take place in serenity and peace, showing charity and respect to everyone in the surroundings and following the security instructions.

Humbly and full of confidence in God, we ask for the support of Mary, comforter of the suffering, in this troubled period. We confide our souls, families, societies, our country and the whole world to Her.

The prayer of the rosary is always said on the date indicated on the site unless otherwise specified.

Get together and pray! Join in and advertise those places of worship to those who seek the one Peace which Mary leads us to, that Peace which can only be found in God!

To transfer this information, you can download posters and flyers, explanations about the devotion of the first Saturdays of the month, print and share them.

If you want to help finance the printing of posters, flyers and little books for isolated poeple in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons (we shall send them to you, if you send us a mail at ), you can make a donation on the following bank account : IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC ARSPBE22. We thank you in advance.

If you take photographs of a group of people praying the rosary in public, you can transfer them to us (it may encourage other people to participate) by mail at but, please, respect the faithful’s private life and ask them in advance if they don’t mind. If you send us these photos, you automatically give us a right to use them on digital supports as Instagram, Facebook and/or this site. If you don’t want us to use them, please mention a copyright notice on the picture before sending it.